I'm driving home from my run and subsequent stop at the hardware store for the obligatory potting soil when I see "FREE SEED STARTER KIT" alongside the road. I come to an urching stop, throw the Prius in reverse, and back up to the driveway to check it out. There before me was a metal frame garden grow kit from Garden Supply Company, value somewhere around $250. I grabbed simply the seed starters, five of them complete with rigid tall domes and heat/humidity vents. I got them home and cleaned them up; other than a little yellowing from sun damage, they were in great shape. I also looked up what they were originally in terms of purpose and value.
I am still debating about going back to get the light fixture, but I don't really have a place for it. Each little seedling kit, complete with capillary mat, support structure, and planting pots (along with the tray and tall dome) is a $39.95 value. Turns out the kit is designed to be maintenance friendly; that is, you only have to water it every two weeks or so. But my freebie was missing everything but the tray and dome, so my free kit turned out to be $60 to get enough of the missing parts to stock five starter kits. It was still a bargain, and something I won't have to buy again for years. For now, I have used some empty plant containers and planted an experimental carrot crop.
Meanwhile, my corn is up! So exciting! No beans have come up yet. I have run out of room in my greenhouse, so I have some trays in the sunroom. I am considering expanding my greenhouse by four feet. We have had stellar weather--it's been 70 plus degrees all week, which means over 100 degrees in the greenhouse. We have some rain coming in for a few days, but the sun comes back by Wednesday. Our usual temperature is about 15 degrees cooler.
I weeded some flower beds and transplanted some irises and peonies. The daffodils are just about done and the tulips and alums are coming on. The seven hyacinths are beautiful!
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