Thursday, February 25, 2016

What I learned last year

As my 2016 gardening season fills me with excitement for spring, I reflect upon some of the things I learned last year.

  1. Don't save the seeds of any kind of squash plant. They hybridize easily, so I got all kinds of weird things last year. I bought all new squash seeds for 2016.
  2. Plant some of the colorful vegetables in the patio beds. Cabbage, chard, kale, and collard greens can be quite attractive among the flowers.
  3. Don't overcrowd raspberries. John dug them all out this winter and we have replaced them with new plants. We only have three rows of three plants each. They'll get much more sunlight to each plant, which means more berries, and it means I will be able to get between the rows to pick more easily.
  4. Don't forget to plant wheat, garlic, and some flowers in the fall. They need the winter to grow and/or to germinate (cold temps) and reach maturity in time.

I would love it if you'd comment and tell all about the things you have learned by trial and error. You might think everyone already knew that, but I bet it will be helpful to many.


Back from the Dead of Winter

Last summer's garden was nothing short of spectacular! I couldn't keep up with the harvest, especially in the fall when I returned to work. Suffice it to say that I still have bags of frozen tomatoes, peppers, and figs to use. I am hoping that the tomatoes and peppers will get me through to the next harvest; we'll see.

Meanwhile, it's time to begin the 2016 gardening season, and I am a little behind! I planted vegetable seeds in the greenhouse this evening after dinner, including

  • Lettuce (5 kinds)
  • Spinach
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Chard
  • Leeks
  • Cabbage (purple & green)
  • Peas
  • Cilantro

Tomorrow evening, I plan to get started on the flowers if I can get some more potting soil. Duvall's True Value was out of my preferred Edna's Best Organic Potting Soil in the larger bag, so I had to buy a small one and it is almost gone.

I wish I could have gotten everything planted the previous Sunday (today is Thursday), as we have had a week of wonderful weather (55-63 degrees). The seeds would surely have sprouted. Better late than never, I guess.

My seed potatoes, blackberries, onion plants, and onion seeds are all backordered. I hope they get here soon, as I need to get them in the ground.

Last weekend, we spent a rainy Saturday driving up to Index and Sultan to shop for garden art. We found a few fun items, so I will get some pictures and update this post soon!

Back to blogging; it's about time!

NG Gardener